Our Free Welcome Consultation
When you first contact The Tail Trail we will schedule a Free Initial Consultation with you. This 30 minute consultation will allow you to discuss your specific requirements and, of course, allow us to personally meet you and your dog(s) / cat(s). If after our meeting you decide to use The Tail Trail, we will ask that you provide us with the following information prior to the start of our engagement.
• Your pet's Age and State of Health.
• The service or services you're seeking.
• Feeding / Supplement Schedule.
• Behavioral Issues, if any.
• Your Contact Information.
• An emergency contact in the event you are unreachable.
• Your veterinarian's contact information (medical records
are unnecessary).
The Safekey Program
What is it & How does it work?
The Safekey Program is an industry standard program. We keep two sets of your keys. The first key is used to access your home for walking or sitting services. The second key is kept in our office as a back-up in the unlikely event that the first is either misplaced, broken, or fails to work in your lock for any reason. Participating in this program enables The Tail Trail staff to be fully ready to provide you with immediate services when you need us, without having to plan a meeting to pick up your key. This program also makes it easy for us to provide you with immediate coverage should you ever have an emergency, or for any other short notice situation.
Forms / Contracts
• Complete the Client and Vet Contact Details Form
• Review and Sign our Service Agreement (this outlines what you can expect from us)
• Sign Key Release Form (this enrolls you in the Safekey Program)